In Utah, hoverboards (under the designation of an electric personal assistive mobility devices (EPAMDs)) are subject to the same provisions as bicycles, mopeds, or motor-driven cycles, except for certain exemptions.
Individuals under 15 years old are not allowed to operate an EPAMD with the motor unless they are directly supervised by a parent or guardian. EPAMDs cannot be operated on highways with four or more lanes, highways with a speed limit over 35 miles per hour, or if they have been modified from the manufacturer’s design.
It is prohibited for owners to allow someone to violate these regulations. EPAMDs can be operated on sidewalks as long as it does not exceed a safe speed or endanger others. EPAMD operators must yield to pedestrians and use paths or trails designated for bicycles or highways where bicycles are allowed with a speed limit under 35 miles per hour.
Nighttime operation requires a front lamp emitting white light visible from 300 feet, as well as front, rear, and side reflectors. Operators cannot carry any article that interferes with their ability to safely operate the EPAMD or prevents both hands from being on the handlebars.
Only one person can operate an EPAMD at a time. Parking an EPAMD in a way that obstructs traffic on highways or sidewalks is prohibited. Violations of these regulations are considered infractions.
Utah, also known as the Beehive State, is located in the western region of the United States. It is known for its stunning landscapes, including national parks, mountains, and deserts. The state is recognized for its outdoor recreational opportunities, such as hiking, skiing, and mountain biking.
Well-known cities in Utah include:
1. Salt Lake City
2. Provo
3. Park City
4. Ogden
5. St. George